Sunday, December 5, 2010

The End

The end of the semester is coming up soon. I have learned a great deal this semester. My writing skills have improved so much in this short amount of time. My first progression was not bad, but it does not compare to my third. I have learned how to research and cite sources effectively and back up my arguments strongly. I have made a blog and an ethnography, which I had never done before. Overall, I had a fun and educational experience in English 115.

Done With Presentation

On Monday our group gave the presentation. None of us were fully prepared, but overall we did alright. There were some technical difficulties where the blogs would take a while to load, and there was a lack of cohesiveness between the presenter and the person on the computer. I think we could have done better, but it was still a good presentation. Now, I just need to finish up my final portfolio and that will be the end of English 115. I am going to use my first and last progression because they were my two best. I am very confident of my final portfolio and I think that I will end up with a solid grade in the class.